In The News

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Building the Future

Work is underway on construction of the Micron Cleanroom Simulation Lab in the Whitney Applied Technology Center.

Signs of progress can be seen in the Whitney Applied Technology Center where the Micron Cleanroom Simulation Lab is being built!


Approved for City Hall Renovation

Oswego City Hall, seen above, is set to receive $2.6 million in badly needed renovations and repairs. Construction is set to begin this summer, according to Oswego Mayor Billy Barlow.

OSWEGO — Port City officials are finalizing a years-in-the-making restoration and renovation of Oswego City Hall that is expected to start this summer.

The city Administrative Services Committee Monday unanimously approved a construction contract with Oswego-based PAC Associates to complete a series of renovations and repairs at City Hall. The roughly $2.65 million project includes the installation of new gutters, a partial rebuild of a deteriorating wall and repairs to the roof and bell tower.

Oswego Mayor Billy Barlow called the upcoming work “the long-awaited City Hall preservation and restoration project,” adding the structure is “in dire need of repairs.” Barlow last year said the city needed to act fast to ensure the structure is preserved for future generations.

SUNY Oswego Slates Wilber Hall Revitalization; Planners Now Look West for Campus Renewal

Wilber's rebirth -- SUNY Oswego planners anticipate completion of three-story Wilber Hall's renewal, featuring a light well as a centerpiece to brighten the lower level. The project will finish modernization of the School of Education and its reunification with adjacent Park Hall. 

While School of Education modernization enters its final phase with revitalization of Wilber Hall's three-story tower, and as another east campus project -- multipurpose Lee Hall's exterior renovation -- gets under way this summer, the college's Facilities Services will move to the west to continue campus renewal of academic buildings and grounds. The design phase is nearing in the effort to create a strong physical identity for the School of Communication, Media and the Arts, according to Mitch Fields, associate vice president for facilities.

The $10.07 million Wilber Hall tower project will complete reunification of the School of Education for the first time in many years -- all six of the school's departments will be under adjacent roofs in Wilber and Park halls, connected with the atrium already in place. PAC & Associates of Oswego recently submitted the low bid for work that should start no later than July 1 and provide about 80 jobs through Wilber's full reopening in January 2019, Fields said.

PAC & Associates also is gearing up to begin $2.8 million in work on roofing, energy-efficient windows and doors, and related exterior work for Lee Hall, which opened in 1958. Adjacent to the Richard S. Shineman Center for Science, Engineering and Innovation -- visually the centerpiece of east campus rebirth -- Lee Hall houses a gymnasium, swimming pool and dance studios, as well as the Office of Environmental Health and Safety, the college's Central Heating Plant, and Maintenance and Operations staff.

Scales Hall to undergo contemporary, sustainable renovation

Scales Hall, at 55 years old the last of four SUNY Oswego residence halls built on the Lakeside area of campus, will follow in the footsteps of Waterbury Hall, undergoing a $13.1 million renovation scheduled to begin Dec. 19.

The project should be done by July 1, following completion of work by Oswego-based general contractor PAC Associates, the same company that renovated Waterbury in 2014-15. The completed renovation will increase Scales’ capacity to house students from about 200 to approximately 210.

 SUNY Oswego: School of Education

Nationally recognized for its technology education program, State University of New York Oswego’s School of Education gives future instructors the tools they need to guide tomorrow’s students in managing the technological innovations of the future. In short, this is where STEM teachers learn to teach STEM.

Lakeland Concrete shores up Lake Ontario breakwater in record Corps contract

Western New York architectural and utility precast operator Lakelands Concrete has begun shipping 950 16-ton structures for the Corps of Engineers’ Oswego Harbor Detached Breakwater project along Lake Ontario’s southern shore. The individual structures are known as dolos, derived from South African and Latin terms meaning knuckle bone; through weight and geometry, dolosse (plural) quell shoreline erosion from waves and undercurrent.



SUNY Oswego Waterbury Hall

SUNY Oswego Waterbury Hall


Renovated Waterbury Hall Re-Opens for Fall 2015

Less than a year after Waterbury Hall closed for an $8.8 million facelift and update, the residence hall opened its doors for 230 student residents.

At first glance, students will notice the striking new entrance to the 56-year-old building. The atrium-like entranceway, designed to save costs and energy, serves as a solar chimney to pull in cooler air during warm months to the building’s upper levels.

This is the first major renovation to the building since its creation. Work was completed by general contractor PAC & Associates of Oswego. King & King Architects of Syracuse, working with Facilities Services’ major projects unit, designed the project to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Gold standards of sustainability.

Stewardship Award – Robert Branshaw/Wayne Drugs (Oswego)

PACNY is pleased to present this Stewardship Award to Robert Branshaw, the owner of Wayne Drug Store, in recognition of his efforts and success to restore the historic department store façade and contribute to maintaining the character and integrity of Bridge Street in Oswego


SUNY Oswego's Waterbury Hall to take fast track to renewal

OSWEGO — Waterbury Hall, a 211-bed residence hall that opened in 1960 along the lakeshore at SUNY Oswego, will close to residents by Dec. 13, be emptied of all its contents by Dec. 22 and reopen in August 2015 after $8.8 million in renovations.

In between, workers for general contractor PAC & Associates of Oswego will have added eight rooms, three kitchens, lounges on each floor and a solar chimney; made all floors, rooms and common spaces wheelchair accessible; rebuilt the rest-rooms in modern configurations; upgraded technology and mechanical systems; and installed new windows and a new entrance, roof and lake-side terrace and otherwise rehabilitated the exterior. Furnishings will be new.


Sheldon Architecture Award: Architects for Sheldon Hall renewal win award from peers

Architects for 100-year-old Sheldon Hall’s 2011-13 exterior renewal recently earned a top design award for historic preservation from the American Institute of Architects New York State.

Sheldon Hall’s Clocks to Return in $10 Million Historic Preservation Project

OSWEGO — Contractor PAC & Associates of Oswego has won a $10 million contract through SUNY Construction Fund to restore the exterior of SUNY Oswego’s flagship Sheldon Hall, with a keen eye to historical detail in this, the college’s sesquicentennial year.

Sign Project  Campus signage, gateways project puts safety first

The college has begun work to add definition to four campus entrances and erect nearly three dozen exterior signs around campus—some as tall as 10 feet with color-changeable LED lighting.

Renovated Park Hall reopens as School of Education keeps pace with history

OSWEGO – Park Hall, SUNY Oswego’s second-oldest building at age 82, reopened this semester at the end of a two-year, $17.5 million modernization, as did a soaring new entrance to the School of Education.

Cayuga CC Picks Contractors for Fulton Campus Project

Cayuga Community College’s trustees have chosen the companies that will transform a closed supermarket into the Fulton campus’s first permanent home. Trustees meeting in a special session Tuesday night chose Rochester Rigging and Erectors of Bloomfield to provide structural steel work and PAC Associates of Oswego for demolition work.

Oswego Salvation Army Kitchen Project Being Built By Local Workers, To Benefit The Oswego Community

OSWEGO, New York – The Oswego Salvation Army project currently underway on West Second Street is a community project in the truest sense. More than 90 percent of the contractors and sub contractors are local community workers from the greater Oswego County area.

School of Education work to highlight college’s summer projects

OSWEGO — Summer construction at SUNY Oswego will feature the kickoff of a $17.2 million project to connect and put a welcoming face on the School of Education’s two buildings and to renovate Park Hall, the second-oldest structure on campus.

PAC & Associates Inc. of Oswego, already general contractor on the Sheldon Hall exterior historic preservation and an addition to the School of Education’s Wilber Hall, won the bid last month.

Work Moves Forward on Several SUNY Oswego Construction Projects

OSWEGO — As the summer’s construction projects on SUNY Oswego’s east campus move into fall, concrete deliveries continue for the $118 million Sciences and Engineering Innovation Corridor and drilling should conclude on an adjacent 240-well geothermal field.

Penton’s Fire Chief Magazine Announces 2008 National Station Style Design Award Winners

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Penton Media’s Fire Chief® magazine announces the winners of its eighth annual Station Style Fire Station Design Awards program, which recognizes outstanding architecture and design from fire departments nationwide. 


Gold Place – DeWitt Fire District Fire Station Replacement, DeWitt, New York

Architects: Bergmann Associates, Inc., Rochester, NY

Sheldon Hall to return to vital campus role

SUNY Oswego’s oldest and signature building, Sheldon Hall, has gained a surge of new life in its 95th year. With the start of the spring semester, features such as five state-of-the-art classrooms, the Office of Admissions and the Oswego Children’s Center will reinvigorate the building’s west wing.